Rhododedron Route in Monchique

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In this small thematic route it is possible to observe a rare habitat, dominated by the Pontic rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum). This plant community is of high conservation value due to its Laurissilva relict species that remained here as a result of the local microclimatic conditions.

During the route, it is possible to observe an enormous floristic treasure, including Common hollies, Cork oaks, Strawberry trees and the rare White lavender.


To acess more info, click below:

E4.5_Guia de Campo_Monchique_web


E2.3_Paineis peq Rota da Adelfeira

E2.3_Folhetos Rota da Adelfeira_web


E2.1_Postal sobre a adelfeira

E1.2_Paineis informativos de Monchique


To better interpret the vegetation and landscape along this route, there are signposted points where you can access to the audio guide.


Interest point 1 – Scope

Interest point 2 – The Rhododendron community

Interest point 3 – The Native Woodlands

Interest point 4 – Curious Plants: the case of butcher’s broom

Interest point 5 – Dinamics of the vegetation

Interest point 6 – The mediterranean climate and the aromatic plants

Interest point 7 – Invasive alien plants

Interest point 8 –  The landscape of this place

Welcome !

Clique nas fotografias para ampliar

In this small thematic route it is possible to observe a rare habitat, dominated by the Pontic rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum). This plant community is of high conservation value due to its Laurissilva relict species that remained here as a result of the local microclimatic conditions.

During the route, it is possible to observe an enormous floristic treasure, including Common hollies, Cork oaks, Strawberry trees and the rare White lavender.


To acess more info, click below:

E4.5_Guia de Campo_Monchique_web


E2.3_Paineis peq Rota da Adelfeira

E2.3_Folhetos Rota da Adelfeira_web


E2.1_Postal sobre a adelfeira

E1.2_Paineis informativos de Monchique


To better interpret the vegetation and landscape along this route, there are signposted points where you can access to the audio guide.


Interest point 1 – Scope

Interest point 2 – The Rhododendron community

Interest point 3 – The Native Woodlands

Interest point 4 – Curious Plants: the case of butcher’s broom

Interest point 5 – Dinamics of the vegetation

Interest point 6 – The mediterranean climate and the aromatic plants

Interest point 7 – Invasive alien plants

Interest point 8 –  The landscape of this place